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Gamma Chapter history


On September 5, 1991, Melissa Landrau-Vega and Jodi Gregorcy met for the first time to discuss the need for a socially and academically supportive organization for Hispanic women on the Iowa State campus.


They met with the president of Sigma Lambda Gamma, a Hispanic sorority at the University of Iowa. They brought the information that they learned back to the Hispanic women at ISU. Six women gathered and decided to bring a chapter of the organization to campus.


On October 11, 1991, these women, Marta Cadena, Tina De Jesus, Melissa Gonzales, Jodi Gregorcy, Melissa Landrau- Vega, and Nitza Maiolini, registered as a student group known as Latinas, Inc. The group sponsored event around campus, including programs called "The Role of the Hispanic in the 90's" and "True Colors."


The women were inducted as associate members of Sigma Lambda Gamma on February 22, 1992. The next month, on March 31, Marta Cadena, Melissa Gonzales, and Melissa Landrau-Vega held the first informational meeting about the sorority. Eight women attended to learn about SLG.


On April 11, 1992, Marta Cadena, Melissa Gonzales, and Melissa Landrau-Vega were initiated in Iowa City. Two days later, Elizabeth Adkins, Kimberly Clawson, Rachael Hernandez, Margarita Lopez, Ann Ramos, Susana Rundquist, and Amy Valenciano were inducted as associate members of Gamma Chapter of Sigma Lambda Gamma. Later, on May 8, 1992, Elizabeth, Kimberly, Margarita, Ann, Susana, and Amy were initiated as active members of the sorority.


The chapter grew in numbers over the next four years, but sadly, in 1996, the chapter folded. However, this is not the end of Gamma Chapter's story, because in 2000, Silvia de la Cruz revived interest in Sigma Lambda Gamma.

On September 17, 2000, Silvia de la Cruz and Susana Rundquist held a meeting at Sloss House for the purpose of re-establishing the Gamma Chapter of Sigma Lambda Gamma. At this meeting were Brenda Villareal, Michelle Harlan, Yecenia Aguayo, Noemy Rodriguez, Nina Grant, Judith Quillones, Tisha Caudillo, and Jamie Gullord.


Over time, the make-up of the group changed, and by late September of 2000, there were eleven: Silvia de la Cruz, Michelle Lea Harlan, Brenda Liliana Villarreal, Noemy Rodriguez, Lorna Marie Gonzalez-Quiles, Catherine J. Alonso Aponte, Wilma Edith Figueroa Bernazard, Carmen Moraima Sanchez-Rodriguez, Leticia Ann Caudillo, Alicia Iñiguez, and Jessica Garcia Moreno. These women registered their group as Hermanas Unidas on September 26, 2000. For the next few months, the women completed the work necessary to become a colony of Sigma Lambda Gamma. In mid- December, all of the women received phone calls informing them that they had been

granted colony status.


The eleven women were inducted as associate members on February 1, 2001. Together, they organized and put on programs to fulfill the five founding principles of Sigma Lambda Gamma. They also began to recruit more women, holding an informational meeting on November 11, 2001. Soon after this meeting, a new group of associate members were chosen. In late November of 2001, Amanda Berenguel, Cristy Rojas, and Leticia Romo were inducted.


On February 1, 2002, the Phoenix Founders of Gamma Chapter, Silvia de la Cruz, Michelle Harlan, Brenda Villarreal, Noemy Rodriguez, Lorna Gonzalez-Quiles, Catherine Alonso, Carmen Sanchez, Leticia Caudillo, Alicia Iñiguez, and Jessica Garcia, were initiated as active members of Sigma Lambda Gamma. Later that month, on the 22nd, Amanda Berenguel, Cristy Rojas, and Leticia Romo

became initiated sisters.


Since then, Gamma Chapter has initiated dozens of women who share the vision of Sigma Lambda Gamma, to support and impact the lives of each other, and all women.

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